About Ben...

Benjamin Izaak is comfortable in the universe. He is a quinoa enthusiast, a lover of books with crisp pages, and the certified #1 fan of the Denver Broncos. He spent his childhood at The Abode of the Message: a spiritual community populated by people from all across the globe, practicing all major world religions in conjunction with one another. The Abode’s campus sprawled over 400 acres of forested land, so Ben spent his early days climbing to the tops of trees and swimming to the bottoms of ponds; and spent his nights discussing God with Saudi Sufis and Floridian philosophers. Meditation quickly became a fundamental part of Ben’s life, and it was within a meditation on forgiveness that he found the initial inspiration for his first play: The Curious End of Ezekiel Williams. At just 17 years old, Ben made his authorial and directorial debut with Berkshire Theatre Group as The Curious End premiered at The Colonial Theatre. After graduating high school as the valedictorian of his class, Ben returned to New York City, the place of his birth, where he has earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting from Pace University. Upon graduating, Ben was presented with the Excellence in Acting Award, a mark of distinction among his graduating class. Ben regards each day as a gift, and he will keep on cheering for the Broncos every Sunday… no matter how long it takes for them to get back to the playoffs.